I’d been under a lot of pressure when I came across Mind Over Mountains. I’d already done an eight-week mindfulness course, which really helped- but I’d never actually reached out for mental health support before. I knew straight away that a weekend away from it all would do me the world of good, and the mindfulness was something I really wanted to take forward- I was intrigued as to how it would work during the weekend.
The pre-weekend Zoom sessions allowed us all to be more open once we met on the retreat. You could be yourself as you’d already met and there were faces you recognised. It was an important element of meeting up, without pressure and a great opportunity to be open about your feelings in a very safe environment, with nobody judging you.
Being with others who were also in need of a wellbeing focus, and that connection to the nature- it's the first of its kind that I’ve seen. Alex himself has also inspired me. He's been through his own struggles; he understands where we’re coming from. After my first walk in the summer, I knew I wanted to be part of this. We were all very similar minded, some not as outdoorsy as others- but we were all there, just wanting to be with similar people, like-minded people.
The after-effects of the weekend, for me, have been profound. I was going through a difficult period in my life, and Mind Over Mountains were there for me. The follow-on sessions that I've had since then have really helped me come to terms to with certain areas of my life that I’ve been struggling with. I’d have been lost if it hadn't been for Mind Over Mountains- they were there when i was looking for something to reach out for.
Since that weekend, I’ve come to realise just how important being outdoors is to me, and how much I relish taking on new challenges. Now I know it’s not selfish to want to do this- it's a part of me, and I don't make excuses for it anymore.
For anyone who isn't sure about signing up, I’d say: get involved. No pressure. You don't have to do anything, but it is safe to let go of inhibitions. There are no demands on you to be open if you don’t want to be- it's just a nice, casual atmosphere. If you want to meet like-minded people, you want to get outdoors, and you’re interested in your own wellbeing- then sign up for an event and see where it takes you.