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Groups & team wellness
bespoke events

For individuals, teams, or your whole organisation

Team wellbeing programmes

Bespoke walks & retreats

The Mind Over Mountains 'formula' has proven impact for mental wellness. Our combination of walking outdoors in nature, professional mental health support & mindfulness can be delivered via events crafted for your group.

Bespoke events

Wellbeing days

The Mind Over Mountains wellbeing team can deliver day events at your workplace to support your team. A variety of sessions can be created to suit your needs - outdoors, indoors or a combination. Active, learning or inspiration!

Wellbeing day options


We also offer a hybrid of our bespoke events, wellbeing days & fundraising. A chance to properly support your team and their mental wellness, whilst also 'giving back' to support us, & meet your ESG & wellbeing objectives.

Build a partnership package

Better mental health support in the workplace could save UK businesses up to £8 billion a year, considering that stress was responsible for 54% of all working days lost

ONS Labour Force Survey

Words from teams we have worked with

  • “Westgrove & Mind Over Mountains have a good deal in common - particularly our desire to work in partnership. Our relationship is genuinely one of mutual benefit, supporting the wellbeing of Westgrove colleagues & helping to meet the Group’s ESG objectives; but also supporting this young & ambitious charity to make a real difference in the world. We’re really proud to work together & support each others’ goals”

    Claire Mckinley-Smith, CEO Westgrove

  • "Planning the walks is made easy for us by the Mind Over Mountains team and we want to say a very big thank you to them for the way they support us, making a mountain-sized positive impact on the wellbeing of our people."

    Bron Biddle, Organisational Development Manager, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust

  • "I also wanted to say in writing how brilliantly the event was created, considered and planned by the Mind Over Mountains team. We actually analysed it at length on the car journey home! There was such a great mix of personalities and experiences (attendees and your team), and a sensitive and powerful approach. We felt safe physically and emotionally, and to that end everyone made an effort to ensure we got the most out of both the physical and emotional spaces shared."

    Lucy Powell, RED Together

Mental health is the greatest cause of long-term absence (4 weeks or more) and third highest for short-term absence.

Examples of team events with Mind Over Mountains - and their feedback

Contact us to plan a wellbeing partnership

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Atheah's experience with Mind Over Mountains

It was helpful to have trained counsellors - I’d never allowed myself to be as open to people I’d never met before, until I found Mind Over Mountains. I came away from the experience wanting to be more active, feeling motivated to do more. 

Connecting with other people is such a big part of it. It brought me back to me again, remembering who I used to be and how I used to be able to connect well with people from all walks of life. I’m really grateful for that.  

Read more about Atheah's experience with Mind Over Mountains
Atheah's experience with Mind Over Mountains