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Our impact
& our strategy
We pride ourselves on being a learning organisation – always seeking ways to improve the outcomes we achieve for our participants.
We are making great progress in developing the ways we measure, evaluate & learn from the outcomes we achieve and the feedback we receive.
Scroll through to view our latest Strategy & Impact Report, followed by key impact highlights, and case study examples of our work in action.
Our Strategy & Impact Report is the best expression yet of what we do, why we do it, & outcomes we achieve. It sets out our vision & ambitious strategy for the next 3 years.
This report re-articulates our sense of purpose & vision: our desire to deliver outstanding nature-based programmes to people struggling with their mental health, but also to drive the system change that will help our type of approach to become the norm rather than the exception in mental health support. We’re passionate about bringing the healing power of nature, connection & physical activity to as many people as we can.
We hope you enjoy reading it!

Every year, we conduct our annual customer and follower survey and after every event we ask our participants to complete feedback form. These are both critical for us
in evaluating our impact and learning how can we can improve.
In 2023 that data showed the key outcomes in the graphic - of which we are immensely proud. In particular the lasting benefit of our mental wellbeing events.

Our annual customer & follower survey provides an opportunity for us to learn about those who follow our work but who have not yet attended an event – helping us to understand any barriers to their participation.
In 2023, this highlighted respondents who would like to attend our events, but for their physical fitness, transport or time. This is informing our accessibility strategy, which will focus on providing an increasing number of shorter and less challenging walks, delivered in more accessible areas.
This is just one example of how our strategy is increasingly outcome-led.
During 2023 we documented our theory of change, which provides the framework for all of our developing impact measurement work. The theory of change links to the relevant supporting evidence from the Five Ways to Wellbeing and the relevant National Academy for Social Prescribing clinical evidence papers. Our summary theory of change is shown here, click button below to zoom.
During 2024, we will also be enhancing our outcome measurement framework to more fully reflect the outcomes expressed in our theory of change and to incorporate the Warwick Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS). The use of WEMWBS will provide an externally recognised benchmark that will allow us to measure our own impact more precisely and to compare our programmes to other interventions.
In addition to our own outcome measurement work, we are working with a researcher from Heriot-Watt University, evaluating the outcomes achieved through the retreats we have delivered for Cambridgeshire Constabulary. The interim evaluation of the first retreat, delivered in 2022, shows that the retreat delivered statistically significant reductions in anxiety and depression (using the GAD-7 and PHQ-9 scales) and both short- and long-term beneficial mental health outcomes. The evaluation has been extended to incorporate the two retreats that we delivered for Cambridgeshire Constabulary in 2023 and the results from this wider evaluation will be published very soon.
We are also working with the University of Central Lancashire to identify funders for an evaluation of the retreats and walks we deliver for ambulance service personnel.
A referral case study
A Transformative Event - Beks & her Mind Over Mountains retreat experience
This was a transformative event for my client. She felt accepted, validated and valued. She became able to speak freely about her experiences and her traumas. She made good connections, which has been difficult for her in the past. She loved the setting and the activities; she even grew to value the most difficult part (for her) of speaking in front of the group.

Our integrated approach
Atheah's experience with Mind Over Mountains
It was helpful to have trained counsellors - I’d never allowed myself to be as open to people I’d never met before, until I found Mind Over Mountains. I came away from the experience wanting to be more active, feeling motivated to do more.
Connecting with other people is such a big part of it. It brought me back to me again, remembering who I used to be and how I used to be able to connect well with people from all walks of life. I’m really grateful for that.
Read more about Atheah's experience with Mind Over Mountains
A story of life changing impact
Matt’s police retreat story - ‘best weekend of my life’
Mind Over Mountains is an incredible charity with incredible people. I genuinely walked away with the belief that it was the best weekend of my life - and I still believe that. It was incredible to be able to open up without judgement. You don't need to worry about what people think of you. Just think about yourself, concentrate on yourself, recharge and make sure you’re ok.
Read more about Matt’s police retreat story - ‘best weekend of my life’
Reconnection with nature
Robynne’s story of reconnection & recovery

From participant to fundraiser
Julie's story - Why Mind Over Mountains has become such a big part of my life

Finding a way to feel belonging again
Rawand's experience of our retreat with Future Leaders; for refugees & asylum seekers
The Mind Over Mountains event was absolutely amazing. I felt free, connected to nature and experienced a real sense of belonging. It was such an incredible environment to be in. I loved the walks as a group and I even did some running which in now a huge passion of mine.
I live in a big city, surrounded by buildings, but I can still feel the positive effects from the Mind Over Mountains event -- I feel refreshed, energised and my physical and mental health have been boosted!
Read more about Rawand's experience of our retreat with Future Leaders; for refugees & asylum seekers
Rebuilding self confidence
Tracey's journey of rebuilding self confidence & sense of achievement