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Wye Valley Wellbeing Walk 2025

A mental wellbeing walk with Mind Over Mountains. Your opportunity to spend an amazing day walking, talking and being listened to by our qualified wellbeing team, whilst exploring the beautiful Wye Valley.

You can expect to come away from the day with a huge sense of achievement, new friends, relaxed and revitalised - with helpful guidance and tools for going forward in day to day life.

Taith gerdded lles meddyliol diwrnod o hyd gyda Mind Over Mountains. Eich cyfle i dreulio diwrnod anhygoel yn cerdded, yn siarad ac yn cael gwrandawiad gan ein tîm lles cymwys. Gallwch ddisgwyl gorffen y diwrnod gydag ymdeimlad enfawr o gyflawniad, ffrindiau newydd, gan deimlo wedi ymlacio ac wedi'ch adfywio - gydag arweiniad ac offer defnyddiol ar gyfer symud ymlaen mewn bywyd o ddydd i ddydd.

Sylwer: Tra bod rhai o’n harweinwyr yn siarad Cymraeg ni allwn warantu siaradwr Cymraeg ym mhob digwyddiad. Ar yr adeg hon bydd arweinyddiaeth y teithiau cerdded yn Saesneg. 

 Our project was made possible thanks to #NationalLottery players.

We are here to support your mental fitness - in a positive, friendly way. Enjoy a walk alongside our professional counsellors & coaches, with a relaxed group of likeminded people.
Rydym yma i gefnogi eich ffitrwydd meddyliol – mewn ffordd gadarnhaol a chyfeillgar.  Mwynhewch daith gerdded ochr yn ochr â'n cwnselwyr a'n hyfforddwyr proffesiynol, gyda grŵp hamddenol o bobl o'r un anian. 
This walk is graded
Our walk grades
1: Finding the right event for you

Finding the right event for you

These definitions are designed to give you an idea of the type of walk, so you can consider which might be suitable for you. They are a guideline only.

Various factors will affect the grading e.g. distance, terrain, ascent, time of year, general environment & individual experience. 

Retreats only: Be aware with our retreats that it is two days walking, with a longer walk with more ascent on the first day. On retreats you need to be able to walk for 2 days whilst carrying a daysack.

If you feel unsure - please contact us & we will do all we can to guide you. We really want to welcome you along with us on the right pathway forwards for you.

1: Introductory


  • These walks are usually half days/part days.
  • Taking place on very good paths with minimal ascent/descent.
  • Less than 6km (3.7 miles) distances.
  • Generally urban, park or forest walks.
2: Easier


  • Half to full day walks around 5km – 12km (3 - 7.5 miles)
  • Clear well-walked footpaths, grass or bridleways.
  • Walks are fairly flat or with gentle inclines.
  • A great first step for less experienced walkers.
3: Moderate


  • These are normally full day walks around 10-15km (6.2 - 9.3 miles).
  • There may be some more difficult paths (e.g. rough or loose underfoot). Generally hilly terrain & there may be short sections of steeper ascent/descent.  
  • Assumes a basic level of fitness and mobility.
4: Harder


  • Full day walks around 10-15km (6.2 - 9.3 miles).
  • There will be more difficult paths (e.g. rough, rocky, loose) with more ascent/descent including steeper sections.
  • These routes may be in more remote areas.
  • Good mobility & confidence on feet is required.


5: Challenging


  • A longer full day with 7hrs + walking.
  • Higher level of fitness & walking experience required.
  • These can be challenging due to the length; or a combination of length & terrain including ascent/descent.
  • These are generally our Step Out or other Challenge walks.

Event Date

Event Time

meet 09:30am - 15:30 finish (approx)

Event Details

Walk in the beautiful Wye Valley, starting and finishing at Tintern Abbey which was founded in 1131 by Cistercian Monks. The route hugs the River Wye for the initial start and then climbs a short distance to join Offas Dyke path which follows the route King Offa constructed in the 8th Century to divide his Kingdom of Mercia from the neighbouring Kingdom which is now Wales. When we reach the Devils Pulpit we will have magnificent views of the Abbey below, this was a location that inspired Wordswoth. We will return to Tintern there are numerous shops, cafes and other places of interest.

Event Distance

7.5 miles / 12km

Total Ascent




Yes available at start.

Pre-Event Zoom Briefing

This usually takes place the Thursday before your walk at 6pm (look out for the zoom link which will be sent to you by email). It is a relaxed and informal opportunity to meet each other & the team. There will be an introductory coaching & mindfulness session, alongside a brief from our Walk Leaders, with an opportunity to ask any questions before the walk.

Sesiwn Friffio ar Zoom Cyn y Digwyddiad 

Mae hyn fel arfer yn digwydd y dydd Iau cyn eich taith gerdded am 6pm (edrychwch am y ddolen Zoom a anfonir atoch trwy e-bost). Mae'n gyfle hamddenol ac anffurfiol i gwrdd â'ch gilydd a'r tîm. Bydd sesiwn hyfforddi ac ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar ragarweiniol, ynghyd â briff gan ein Harweinwyr Cerdded, gyda chyfle i ofyn unrhyw gwestiynau cyn y daith gerdded. 

Post-Event Zoom Briefing

This usually takes place the Tuesday after your walk at 6pm (zoom link will be emailed to you) - Following our day in the hills, we will reflect on our achievements together, consider what has become clearer and focus on your next steps to move forward.

Sesiwn Friffio ar Zoom ar ôl y Digwyddiad 

Mae hyn fel arfer yn digwydd ar y dydd Mawrth ar ôl eich taith gerdded am 6pm (bydd dolen Zoom yn cael ei e-bostio atoch) - Yn dilyn ein diwrnod yn y bryniau, byddwn yn myfyrio ar ein cyflawniadau gyda'n gilydd, yn ystyried beth sydd wedi dod yn gliriach ac yn canolbwyntio ar eich camau nesaf i symud ymlaen. 

What's included

  • A day of guided hill-walking with professional mountain leaders
  • An introduction to mindfulness techniques
  • An opportunity to share your story with others in a safe, non-judgemental space, supported by our qualified counsellors & coaches
  • A day of respite from the stresses of our hectic modern lives
  • Build confidence and resilience with physical, emotional and mental challenges
  • Virtual check-ins before and after the day out with us

What's Not Included

  • Travel to the meeting point
  • Food/drinks during the walk
  • Walking equipment (although we will carry some spare essentials if you need to borrow anything, and we recommend Kitsquad who can help if you are on a low income and need some good kit.

Beth sydd wedi'i gynnwys 

  • Diwrnod o gerdded bryniau tywysedig gydag arweinwyr mynydd proffesiynol 
  • Cyflwyniad i dechnegau ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar 
  • Cyfle i rannu eich stori gydag eraill mewn gofod diogel, anfeirniadol, gyda chefnogaeth ein cwnselwyr a’n hyfforddwyr cymwys. 
  • Diwrnod o seibiant o straen ein bywydau modern prysur 
  • Meithrin hyder a gwydnwch gyda heriau corfforol, emosiynol a meddyliol 
  • Sgyrsiau rhithwir cyn ac ar ôl y diwrnod allan gyda ni 

 Beth sydd heb ei gynnwys 

  • Teithio i'r man cyfarfod 
  • Bwyd/diodydd yn ystod y daith gerdded 
  • Offer cerdded (er byddwn yn cario rhai hanfodion sbâr os oes angen i chi fenthyg unrhyw beth, ac rydym yn argymell Kitsquad a all helpu os ydych ar incwm isel ac angen offer da. 

Please take a moment to read this before you book, thank you. The spaces on our mental wellness walks are generously funded for you by our charity partners, and your place is a precious thing! In booking you commit to attending, or to telling us in advance if you cannot, so that we can re-allocate your space to someone else who needs it. Thank you so much.

As we are a mental health charity committed to supporting as many people as we can, we request that you book a maximum of 3 funded walks with us each year. Thank you so much for your support.

Walk cancellation by you: please advise us at the earliest opportunity if you can no longer attend. We have waiting lists for each event & need to give others the opportunity if you cannot join us.

Cancellation by us: We will notify you of cancellation as soon as possible if it is necessary for any reason, no less than 1 week before. Mind Over Mountains cannot be held liable for any accommodation / travelling costs due to cancellation.

Walk alterations: While every effort will be made to run walks as planned, Mind Over Mountains reserves the right to make changes due to weather conditions, participant fitness or as a result of risk assessments on the day.

Cymerwch eiliad i ddarllen hwn cyn archebu, diolch. Mae’r lleoedd ar ein teithiau cerdded lles meddyliol yn cael eu hariannu’n hael ar eich cyfer gan ein partneriaid elusennol, ac mae eich lle yn beth gwerthfawr! Wrth archebu, rydych yn ymrwymo i fod yn bresennol ar y daith, neu i ddweud wrthym ymlaen llaw os na allwch, fel y gallwn ailddyrannu eich lle i rywun arall sydd ei angen. Diolch yn fawr iawn. 

Gan ein bod yn elusen iechyd meddwl sy'n ymroddedig i gefnogi cymaint o bobl ag y gallwn, gofynnwn i chi archebu uchafswm o 3 taith gerdded wedi'u hariannu gyda ni bob blwyddyn. Diolch yn fawr am eich cefnogaeth. 

Os byddwch yn canslo eich taith gerdded: rhowch wybod i ni cyn gynted â phosibl os na allwch ddod mwyach. Mae gennym restrau aros ar gyfer pob digwyddiad ac mae angen rhoi cyfle i eraill os na allwch ymuno â ni. 

Os byddwn ni’n canslo: Byddwn yn rhoi gwybod i chi am ganslo cyn gynted â phosibl os oes angen am unrhyw reswm, dim llai nag 1 wythnos ynghynt. Ni all Mind Over Mountains fod yn atebol am unrhyw gostau llety / teithio oherwydd canslo. 

Newidiadau i deithiau cerdded: Er y gwneir pob ymdrech i redeg teithiau cerdded fel y cynlluniwyd, mae Mind Over Mountains yn cadw’r hawl i wneud newidiadau oherwydd y tywydd, ffitrwydd cyfranogwyr neu o ganlyniad i asesiadau risg ar y diwrnod. 

Spaces available on this walk

  • £0.00
Mind Over Mountains welcomes all, regardless of race, gender identity, religion or sexual orientation. Our inclusive retreats and walks ensure a comfortable, supportive environment. Join us to experience nature's healing power and a community where everyone is valued and respected. 
Mae Mind Over Mountains yn croesawu pawb, waeth beth fo'u hil, hunaniaeth rhyw, crefydd neu gyfeiriadedd rhywiol. Mae ein hencilfeydd a’n teithiau cerdded cynhwysol yn sicrhau amgylchedd cyfforddus, cefnogol. Ymunwch â ni i brofi pŵer iacháu byd natur a chymuned lle mae pawb yn cael eu gwerthfawrogi a'u parchu. 
Mental Health Continuum

Select one of the 5 options that applies to you. You may need to scroll on mobile.

Walk Booking Form

Welcome! Our booking form won't take long, & we are happy to help.

At the end be sure to click 'check out' to complete your booking. You will receive a confirmation email straight away & an important quick consent to reply to for us, thank you.

If for any reason you don't receive emails - please contact us & we will happily help.

If you have any problems booking or have any questions at all, please do email us or ask us to give you a quick call. We are here to support you.

Step 1 of 5

Basic Information

Please input the name of the person attending the event. This field is required
Please use UK format A valid phone number is required
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Step 2 of 5

Attendee Address

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This field is required
A valid postcode is required
Step 3 of 5

Emergency Contact Information

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Please use UK format A valid phone number is required
Please use UK format
Step 4 of 5

Attendee Medical Information

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This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
This field is required
Yes or No (if yes - please give full details & medication info here) This field is required
Yes or No (if yes - please give full details & medication info here) This field is required
Step 5 of 5

Complete form & go to check out

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Frequently asked questions

We are a walking charity - with walks/hikes which vary in how easy or challenging they are - so we give each of our walks a grading to give you a guide. Do take a look at the section on each walk or retreat listing titled 'Is this the right walk/event for me?' to help you. If you are still unsure please just contact us using the form below and we will get back to you quickly. Our fundraising challenge events do require higher levels of fitness & we are always happy to chat about what's involved.

Our walks & retreats are for anyone who would benefit from the opportunity to take some time walking in nature, with likeminded people, and listening support if needed from our coaches & counsellors. Or just a break from the day to day, to reset, reframe, refocus. We are all about mental fitness, wellness, and overall wellbeing. Managing overwhelm, anxiety, stress - or freeing you to make decisions that are feeling a bit much. We create a safe, confidential space to talk openly with no judgement, no pressure, and we enjoy wonderful walks and time in a group in the beautiful outdoors.

We recommend our walkers wear walking boots with ankle support, walking shoes or off-road running trainers - the most important thing is having a more rugged sole/grip to prevent slips and potential injuries on rocky, muddy or uneven terrain. This doesn't have to be expensive or high-quality brands at all - Go Outdoors or Mountain Warehouse are generally very good value. 

We do work with a fantastic organisation called KitSquad who can help with providing second-hand kit so please do feel free to contact them with what you need and hopefully they can help.

Dogs, other than registered assistance dogs, are not permitted on our events. Sorry! Please advise us in advance if you need to bring an assistance dog. Thank you.


Vaping/Smoking: We try to discourage vaping/smoking on our walks if possible; but if you do need to vape/smoke we ask that you only do it during breaks in the walk; and that you are 10 metres away from the group, to be mindful of others.  Please ensure any cigarette butts are carefully and thoughtfully disposed of to respect the natural environment.


Vaping/Smoking: We try to discourage vaping/smoking on our walks if possible; but if you do need to vape/smoke we ask that you only do it during breaks in the walk; and that you are 10 metres away from the group, to be mindful of others.  Please ensure any cigarette butts are carefully and thoughtfully disposed of to respect the natural environment. At the retreat accommodation there is a no vaping/smoking rule in the venue, and we ask that you remain a minimum of 10 metres away from the main building outside.